Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Children and Youth Department
Wesley United Methodist Church has an active and rapidly growing Children and Youth Department. The Children’s Coordinator is Sommer Jackson, and the Youth Coordinator is Kayla Winters, both of Kosciusko, MS. They are assisted by Leah Winters, and mentored by Paula Winters. The ministry allows the children to go out and do mission as well as visit with other children and youth at other churches. The Children and Youth Department has a Liturgical Praise Dance team, Mime Praise Dance team, Children and Youth combined choir, Children and Youth Sunday School and Bible Study.

This leader will oversee the communications that go from the congregation to its members and to the community, including print and electronic newsletters and announcements and telephone contacts. The communicator will coordinate contacts between the congregation and community media. He or she will promote church-related events and opportunities. This leader will collaborate with the church leadership team and church staff to plan communication of issues, programs, ministry needs and successes, and stewardship stories. This leader will develop regular channels of communication with people responsible for district and conference communication, with United Methodist News Service, and other sources of church news. The leader is accountable to the charge conference through the church council.

Evangelism Ministry Team Leader
This leader will coordinate with the pastor and leadership team to plan and implement a vital, comprehensive outreach ministry for the congregation to reach people of all ages with Christian love and healing. This ministry will include assessment of trends in congregational growth and attendance and how people are received into the congregation. The ministry will extend the goals of the congregation. The evangelism ministry will care for all members of the congregation (including those who are inactive), as well as for people who are not members of a church, to help them know and respond to the love of God in Christ. The evangelism team leader will be familiar with United Methodist resources, facilitate their use and be able to recommend appropriate Wesleyan resources for evangelism. This leader will link with organizations, people, and resources in and beyond the congregation that are concerned with Christian evangelism. The evangelism team leader and evangelism team will set goals for congregational growth (in faith and numbers) and will plan specific evangelistic events and missions. This leader will engage with others to carry out programs of membership care, including plans for growth in devotional life and distribution of devotional materials.

Our music ministry at Wesley United Methodist Church is growing with anointed voices. We have a combined
mass choir, chancel choir, men's choir, children and youth choir, and a voice coaching group under the
direction of Paula Winters, Minister of Music and Kayla Winters, Choir Director.

Sunday School
Wesley United Methodist Church’s Sunday School Ministry consists of four class divisions – Older Adults, Young Adults, Jr./Sr. High, and Lower, Middle, and Upper Elementary. The total enrollment for all divisions is fifty members, with an average Sunday attendance of twenty-five members. Sunday School is every Sunday except 5th Sundays, starting at 9:45 a.m. The superintendent of Sunday School is Bro. William Lloyd.

United Methodist Men
Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through me within the congregations of the United Methodist Church.

United Methodist Women
The organized unit of United Methodist Women at Wesley shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Usher Board
The Usher Board at Wesley United Methodist Church’s preamble is “I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalm 84:10). We aim to serve the Lord Jesus, through the service they render to humanity. Our motto is “Ready to serve. ‘Knowing that the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ’” (Colossians 3:24).